Monday, June 21, 2010

Attn Fish Lovers!

So I made myself some yummy fish tonight and I had a slight epiphany that this is probably the 3rd or 4th time in the past week that I'm having fish! Mercury poisoning is no joke....Here is a consumer guide to mercury levels in fish.

I read  Here that vitamin E, garlic and cilantro help protect you from the toxic effects of it. There is no definite proof, but I eat those things anyway :)

"Beyond that, despite insubstantial evidence, some health practitioners who offer mercury detoxification recommend supplements such as cilantro tincture, chlorella algae powder, garlic, as well as various amino acids to rid the body of mercury. A 1999 Korean study did show that garlic juice reduced mercury toxicity in rat embryos, but I know of no evidence suggesting that it works in humans. I've seen two studies indicating that cilantro can speed excretion of mercury, but I understand that the effect here is weak. Eating foods rich in vitamin E has also been recommended. This may protect against mercury toxicity, but I know of no evidence showing that it helps the body eliminate mercury."   

Andrew Weil, M.D.

Another interesting debate is whether mercury poisoning causes autism and other diseases....Here is the link to that article. It makes sense since autism is on the rise. A good read (it gets better further down lol)!

"He suggests the toxic effects of mercury spread across a broad spectrum of diseases including autism, Alzheimer's disease, ALS, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, neurodevelopmental diseases, nephrotoxicity, and cancer."

"Mercury can also affect the central nervous system by concentrating in the spinal fluid, and the kidneys by reducing concentrating capacity. And it inhibits nerve growth, and passes easily through the placental barrier. The chemical can also reduce nerve function and communication, which can lead to the development of neurofibrillary tangles -- a common feature of Alzheimer's. In fact, recent findings suggest that the gene Apo E 4 may increase the risk for Alzheimer's because it has an impaired ability to bind with mercury and transport it from the brain."

Mark Hyman, M.D.


  1. Which is why I mostly eat tilapia now. Low on mercury and good on protein and taste good.
